Monday, October 8, 2007

Coffee, shower, pieces slowly drifting into place.

Believe I've mentioned the strange changes in my emotional responses to things since starting my current job, think it's down to regularized schedule, increased exposure to sunlight. Appears to some as my having emotional problems apparently, don't really think that's very apt. I'd say I had an emotional problem (flattened affect) which has largely gone away & I've been needing to figure out new coping strategies for having pretty normal emotional responses, not what I'm used to, a bit unsettling.

Space bar is acting up.

Also think I've mentioned this person I care very much about mistaking some problems with herself for problems with me. She's acted very cruelly toward me as a result of that, quite hurtful, but that's not really a major concern. My major concern has been & continues to be that this misrecognition is going to prevent her from addressing her own problems successfully, it's so scary that it's hard to think about, keep thinking about it anyway. She also has problems with me that actually have to do with me, of course, probably difficult to disentangle. Dislike mess, tend to make a bit of one.

Read a bit about rape epidemic in the Congo yesterday, not very nice. Taken past a certain point, spontaneous empathy can make one a bit harsh, don't really mean to be harsh, reading about people being torn apart makes me feel a bit that way, seeing it more so. Hard to understand why that would be hard to understand.

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