Monday, October 1, 2007

Let me give an example of what I'm talking about, take these two photos I took the other day at the Big Indian Shop on the Mohawk Trail:



I think the attentive human reader of this & my previous blog, could easily, after recognizing these as decaying statues of white deer, see that they might have something to do with my repeated mentions of the song 'My Pretty Snow Deer' and also, if they were aware of the legend (which they should be as I linked to it once), to the repeated references to Virginia Dare. A strange complex of kitsch, old-timeyness, the New World, Indians should emerge. The associative network can be followed out further, of course. One might recognize an excerpt I made once from the Harlan Ellison story 'Croatoan' as related to all this (especially as it's in the same post where the Virginia Dare legend is linked). Junctures to larger (or anyway more general) themes involving birth, death, time, literature appear. One might notice 'My Pretty Snow Deer' mentioned in proximity to ekphrasis and wonder how all this ties in with preoccupations with passages between word & image, sign & reality.

A sign is a promise, promises are made to be broken.

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