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when skies are gray
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Soup's all done, tasty, spicy.
Can't really decide if I really want to bake something or if I'd rather space out listening to music. Would really like some crusty bread, pretty sure I don't feel like making that.
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Greenfield, Massachusetts, United States
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Nice late dinner, feasted on roasted vegetables & ...
Got back from trip to Salem Willows a little while...
Made a little video of the stills I took of the Fa...
Joe's pizza with linguica, mushrooms & olives = re...
Busy day, went for dim sum, walked around a lot af...
Playing 'Stone Dead Forever' for my brother. Whis...
Browsing the paper's site, trying to find interest...
Same time last year was doing my best to get someb...
Took way too many photos today, ate a lot of fatty...
Local BBQ update. Maybe they can learn to make po...
Looked like rain all day yesterday, didn't rain un...
Thinking about web apps I'd like to see, maybe the...
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Squash & spinach remarkably delicious, seller reje...
Reading godawful 18th Century translations of the ...
Reading the Wikipedia entry on the Gordian Knot, f...
Home for a bit.Made formal offer on property, will...
Sitting at my desk at work shaking, been too busy ...
Press release on PTSD prevalence caught in the spa...
Letter in the paper today from lady sickened by fr...
Bittersweet dreams, probably the best I could hope...
Finished watching Desk Set, should've gone to slee...
Long break from Desk Set, long talk with my mother...
Scotch on the rocks, watching more idyllic vision ...
Desk Set is even better than I remembered, why wou...
Listening to my 'neighborhood', can't say ...
Watched glorious orange moon rise above the range,...
Copies of Desk Set & Infrastructure: A Field Guide...
Reading on paper's site about Easthampton zoning b...
Last night my mom was asking me what is, h...
It's been a full lunar year since experience of ex...
Didn't realize how tired I actually was till I tri...
Big E, Big E. Walked around, ate fried foods, too... finally got around to generating my neighb...
Preapproved for mortgage, soda shop, soda shop.Kin...
Today is Mountain Day.Dreams worked out nicely.
Dispatched robots handily, a bit ahead of schedule...
Funny how needing to go do something late at night...
11:11, make a wish.Long walk in & around town with...
Decided I'd had enough of ridiculous product line ...
Hubbard!Eating spicy cabbage wrapped in tortilla, ...
Harvest time is on with a vengeance at farm share,...
Woke early with a start, spent some time walking a...
P seemed to enjoy his special dinner, hopefully he...
So, Schmetterlingfotographie deferred to a later d...
When I went to fold my laundry, discovered that we...
Pots & pans didn't take anyway near as long as I e...
Laundry's well underway, just took P for a walk be...
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Watching cartoons, more than a little tired & worr...
Henry's still taking a nap, put food away, drank w...
Went & swapped tapes, rebooted servers. Henry's t...
So, reinterpretation of Yom Kippur as ham feast ho...
Just finished peeling massive quantities of fruits...
Henry got here, we went to Amherst for breakfast, ...
Discarded in the bushes along the greenway between...
Thinking about http, it's remarkable how easily pe...
Talked to my mom on the phone for quite a while ab...
Just violently sauteed some broccoli, best if I re...
Did some dishes, made a half a pot of coffee, took...
Going through Don Norman recommended reading list,...
Ordered a copy of Desk Set, also Infrastructure: A...
Read thought-provoking article on the future of OP...
Work's all done, introduced coworkers to fish 'n' ...
Thinking about computers in the movies, it's not s...
"Hi,I've been working on a Scrabble variant, Burns...
My mom's paper got off OK. While talking to her r...
Day's last walk with Peretz, half moon behind the ...
Leaves are beginning to turn.Some changes of plans...
The more time I spend alone, the less lonely I fee...
Burns Scrabb'e, rules for tournament play:The rule...
For enhanced usability/ease of printing, I've crea...
So, letter frequency in Burns looks to be within s...
Can't sleep, running letter frequency analysis on ...
Early Yoda concept:
Peretz is aroused by the cool night smells, found ...
Snow's Ice Cream, very refreshing, think less luxu...
Long a mystery to me why Wednesday night TV is so ...
Macaroni bake came out far tastier than anticipate...
Went & got coffee, cheese for macaroni bake (last ...
Sorta kinda done with work for the day, more to do...
On my foggy walk along the levee with P, devoted a...
Foggy morn.Ensorcelled, sealed in a tower with a f...
Having serious trouble waking up. Most likely all...
3 delicata squash roasted, 3 eaten. Watch for sig...
Again no Big E tonight, too fatigued from last nig...
Went & had more Tramore Fish 'n' Chips, also tried...
Line's back up, only 19 hours downtime, that's qua...
Bank finally got back to me about debit card I fou...
GAAAFSN, can't stop laughing about it.
Latest info makes it sounds like it may have been ...
No joy from Verizon, told our isp we would have pe...
Big E multimedia extravaganza scrubbed for tonight...
Got to thinking about the possibilities of Hubbard...
Fall is here in a big way, at least on the vegetab...
Out with P, watching homeless folks shivering in t...
Chilly morning, teeth chattering after shower, an ...
Keep saying to myself, "I am a war machine. I am ...
Made some nachos. Our decadence may surprise you-...
More vodka & lime, making excellent progress throu...
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